A delegation from the Institute of Cost Accountants of India led by the President of the Institute CMA P. Raju Iyer visited the Institute of Commerce, Nirma University on March 27, 2022 – Sunday at 10 am to discuss the modus operandi for collaborative activities. Welcoming the President CMA P. Raju Iyer who was accompanied by Dr. FCA, FCMA K. CH. A. V. S. N. Murthy; CMA Bhanwarlal Gurjar – Vice Chairman ICMAI, Surat and South Gujarat Chapter, CMA S N Mundra – Vice President- Kutch Chemical Industries Ltd, Prof. Udai Paliwal- Director ICNU presented a brief overview of the Institute since inception and shared the future plans including the design of new curriculum for 4-year B Com (Hons) programme.
The President CMA P. Raju Iyer sharing the vision of ICAI provided details about the role of t he Institute of Cost Accountants of India in achieving growth and development of Indian economy towards attaining the coveted goal of a USD 5 trillion economy. The meeting discussed the areas of cooperation such as joint organisation of Seminars/ Conferences/ Webinars/ Workshops/ Faculty Development Programmes for Accounting Teachers, Practicing Professionals, Corporate Executives on mutually decided topics at both Regional and National levels. The establishment of collaboration for exchange of faculty for training/ consultancy and for offering any project in common areas was also explored. The meeting concluded with a proposal that an MoU should be signed between the ICAI and ICNU to fast track the proposed collaboration.