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Kala 2023 – The Talent Hunt

The Institute of Commerce, Nirma University’s Kalanidhi – The Cultural Committee of ICNU in keeping with a long standing culture, hosted the Talent Hunt Competition 2023 on September 14th, 15th, and 16th, 2023.

The main goal of the event was to identify the untapped potential and built-in quality of all ICNU students and to provide them with a stage, an opportunity to showcase their skills, and to be acknowledged.

The event aided the institute’s cultural exploration as well as a successful start. It was successfully planned and oversaw by Swayam Jain and Aadit Ambavi, Student Coordinators, on the theme of “Chandrayaan 3 Utsav”, which celebrated ISRO’s accomplishment in landing Chandrayaan on the moon, under the supervision of the Faculty Cultural Coordinator, CS Karishma Butani, and given guidance and support by Prof. Udai Paliwal, Director of ICNU.

Among the competitions held throughout the event were music, dance, theater, literary, finance, media, social spotlight, marketing, fashion, sports, gaming, academic, and fine arts. The event focused not only on the cultural side of talent, but also on the literary and academic aspects. The competition was judged by all famous judges in their respective disciplines, who also commended the winner and runners-up on their outstanding performances and active involvement in the competition.

Such events assist to strengthen the links between learning and appreciation within our institute. Overall, the evening was a success that everyone loved.