Institute of Management, Nirma University - Logo

Vinit Udernani

My journey at the Institute of Commerce, Nirma University has been constructive and productive.

Being a student here has taught me discipline, focus and time management which I was lacking, moreover it has made me more responsible and creative in my endeavours. The institute gave me a platform to showcase my talent in all forms of extracurricular activities, winning prizes in badminton helped me reach my peak physical potential while achieving the title of Mr. Nirma and casting in MTV & show (Elevator Pitch) helped increase my confidence in public speaking and broadened up my horizon of inner capabilities. The unique curriculum challenged me immensely and helped tackle it using real-world solutions to the problems. The faculty members are integral for making me the person I am today; I would like to thank Prof. Udai Paliwal, Dr. Sumita Shroff Goyal and Dr. Avani Shah who supported me and guided me in all paths of my life, whether it be career-oriented or participating in festivals and sports. Nirma is a world in itself which is like no other.